1 |
Page | Section |
100 Doors (method for finding squares) | JavaScript |
3D Animation example | HTML |
A |
Page | Section |
Abacus (binary, octal and hexadecimal) | Mathematics |
About this site | - |
Abundant, Deficient or Perfect Number? | Mathematics |
Access Tips | Databases |
Access databases and web-pages | JavaScript |
Active Server Pages and ASP.NET | JavaScript |
Adder circuit | Mathematics |
Addition - Binary | Mathematics |
Algorithms - Sorting | Algorithms |
Algorithms - Searching | Algorithms |
AND operator | Mathematics |
AND() in Excel | MS Office |
Angles - estimating | Mathematics |
Animation (on web-pages) | HTML |
Appointment clashes in Access | Databases |
Arrays | Programming |
Arrays for Reference/Selection | Blog |
ASCII Codes and Unicode | Representation |
ASCII Art Generator | Representation |
ASP | JavaScript |
B |
Page | Section |
Bases (number) | Mathematics |
BASIC - Visual | VisualBASIC |
BASIC programming for beginners | Programming |
Binary (theory) | Mathematics |
Binary (interactive) | Mathematics |
Binary (fractions and negative numbers) | Mathematics |
Binary (normalised floating-point) | Mathematics |
Binary Addition | Mathematics |
Binary Breakout Game | Revision |
Binary Breakout Options | - |
Binary Counter (also useful for truth tables) | Mathematics |
Binary Flags | Mathematics |
Binary Search Game (practise the steps) | Algorithms |
Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion | Mathematics |
Bitmaps - storage | Representation |
Bitwise logic (theory) | Mathematics |
Bitwise logic (interactive) | Mathematics |
Bits, bytes and words | Mathematics |
Blog Index | Blog |
Body Mass Index | JavaScript |
Bookings database | Databases |
Boolean logic (theory) | Mathematics |
Boolean logic (interactive) | Mathematics |
Breaks - page and section | MS Office |
Bubble Sort game | Algorithms |
Buttons in Excel | MS Office |
C |
Page | Section |
Caesar shift ciphers | Representation |
Calculating file size | Revision |
Card Flip Magic (parity "trick") | JavaScript |
Card Flip Magic - with digits | JavaScript |
Card Trick (sorting / AQA programming project) | Algorithms |
Card Trick (JavaScript image-switching example) | JavaScript |
Cell Protection in Excel | MS Office |
Character representation | Representation |
Checkboxes in Excel | MS Office |
Circular Motion / Rotation (programming example) | - |
Clashing appointments (Access) | Databases |
Client-side scripting | JavaScript |
Colours (HSL) in HTML | Representation |
Colours (RGB) in HTML | Representation |
Coins (adding activity) | Mathematics |
Coins (JavaScript example) | JavaScript |
Complements (e.g. for negative numbers) | Mathematics |
Compound keys (in databases) | Databases |
Compression - Huffman Coding and RLE | Representation |
Computer Studies - O level resources from 1983-5 | Teachers |
Computing - National Curriculum | Teachers |
Concept Map for the Computing curriculum | Teachers |
Computing Resources Database (from other sites) | - |
Conditional formatting (in Excel) | MS Office |
Connect 4 (programming example) | JavaScript |
Connecting Wall (revision game) | Revision |
Constants | Programming |
Contact | - |
Contents Tables in Word | MS Office |
Convert Text to Table... | MS Office |
Converting between number bases | Mathematics |
Converting between storage units | Revision |
Cookies | JavaScript |
D |
Page | Section |
Databases and web-pages | JavaScript |
Dates in Excel | MS Office |
Decipher Substitution Ciphers | Representation |
De Morgans Laws | Mathematics |
Deficient, Perfect or Abundant Number? | Mathematics |
Degree of relationship | Databases |
Denary | Mathematics |
Dice Frequency Modelling | JavaScript |
Die Model (programming/animation example) | - |
Double-bookings in Access | Databases |
Duality (in Boolean Logic) | Mathematics |
E |
Page | Section |
Editing macros (in Excel) | MS Office |
Encryption - substitution ciphers | Representation |
Enigma simulator | JavaScript |
Estimating angles | Mathematics |
Estimating pi (the Monte Carlo method) | Mathematics |
EU Games system (Excel macro example) | MS Office |
Events in Excel | MS Office |
Evidence-based teaching and learning | Teachers |
Excel macros | MS Office |
Examples of Python programming techniques | Programming |
Excel tips | MS Office |
Excel - form features | MS Office |
Excel - if() | MS Office |
Excel - logical operators | MS Office |
Excel - numerical functions | MS Office |
Excel - protection | MS Office |
Excel - Paste Special | MS Office |
Excel - text functions | MS Office |
Excel - validation | MS Office |
Excel - vlookup() | MS Office |
Exclusive-OR operator | Mathematics |
F |
Page | Section |
Factors (visualising squares and prime numbers) | Mathematics |
Factors - Abundant, Deficient or Perfect Number? | Mathematics |
Field, database | Databases |
Fields in Word | MS Office |
File size calculations | Revision |
First normal form | Databases |
Floating-point binary | Mathematics |
Flood Fill game (and recursive method) | Algorithms |
Foreign key | Databases |
Forms in Excel | MS Office |
Fruit machine in Access | Databases |
Full adder circuit | Mathematics |
G |
Page | Section |
Game Show - the Monty Hall problem | JavaScript |
GCSE Computing resources | Teachers |
GCSE Connecting Wall revision game | Revision |
GCSE Long Answer Questions | Teachers |
GCSE Python guide | - |
GCSE revision game - Computing Worderama | Revision |
GCSE Revision links | Revision |
H |
Page | Section |
Hexadecimal (theory) | Mathematics |
Hexadecimal (interactive) | Mathematics |
Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion | Mathematics |
Home | Home |
Describing colour using HSL | Representation |
Huffman Coding (compression) | Representation |
Hyperlinks (in HTML) | HTML |
I |
Page | Section |
if() in Excel | MS Office |
if in VBA | MS Office |
Image dimensions (the Metadator!) | Representation |
Images - what the data represents | Representation |
Images (in HTML) | HTML |
Images and wrapping (in Word) | MS Office |
Impact of technology | Teachers |
Index, database | Databases |
Insertion Sort game | Algorithms |
Interactive sorting game (The Sorting Balance) | Algorithms |
Iteration vs. recursion | Programming |
J |
Page | Section |
JavaScript | JavaScript |
JavaScript examples | - |
Just Basic programming | Programming |
K |
Page | Section |
Key field | Databases |
KS3 Computing resources | Teachers |
L |
Page | Section |
Learning - psychology | Teachers |
Learning to program | Programming |
Less Is More | Blog |
Library system in Access | Databases |
Library system in Excel | MS Office |
Links (in HTML) | HTML |
Links (to other sites) | Teachers |
Logic | Mathematics |
Logic circuits / gates | Mathematics |
Logical operators in Excel | MS Office |
Long Answer Questions (for GCSE) | Teachers |
Lottery (JavaScript) | JavaScript |
M |
Page | Section |
Macros in Excel | MS Office |
Mail merge in Word | MS Office |
Masking bits (bitwise logic) | Mathematics |
Mathematical (Boolean) logic | Mathematics |
Matrix Calculator (e.g. for Further Maths) | Mathematics |
Medals table in Excel | MS Office |
Merge Sort game | Algorithms |
Merits database example | Databases |
Metadata - images without dimensions | Representation |
Microsoft Excel | MS Office |
Microsoft Office | MS Office |
Microsoft Powerpoint | MS Office |
Microsoft Publisher | MS Office |
Microsoft Word | MS Office |
MIDI files | Representation |
Mind Reader (image-switching example) | JavaScript |
Modular Arithmetic | Blog |
Monte Carlo method | Mathematics |
Movement in programs | Representation |
msgbox() in Excel macros | MS Office |
Multiplication Tables practice | Mathematics |
N |
Page | Section |
NAND operator | Mathematics |
National Curriculum Computing | Teachers |
Normalisation (binary) | Mathematics |
Normalisation (databases) | Databases |
NOR operator | Mathematics |
NOT operator | Mathematics |
Noughts and Crosses (algorithm example) | Algorithms |
Number bases | Mathematics |
O |
Page | Section |
Octal | Mathematics |
O level Computer Studies resources from 1983-5 | Teachers |
OCR Coding Challenges - sample solutions | Programming |
OR operator | Mathematics |
OR() in Excel | MS Office |
P |
Page | Section |
Page breaks in Word | MS Office |
Paste Special (in Excel) | MS Office |
Perfect, Abundant or Deficient Number? | Mathematics |
Performance of Python | Programming |
PHP | JavaScript |
PowerPoint | MS Office |
Presence check validation | Databases |
Preventing double-bookings in Access | Databases |
Primary key (field) | Databases |
Prime Numbers - visual investigation | Mathematics |
Prime Numbers - Sieve of Eratosthenes | Mathematics |
Programming concepts and techniques | Programming |
Programming examples - BASIC | Programming |
Programming examples - JavaScript | Programming |
Programming examples - Python (file) | Programming |
Programming examples - Python | Programming |
Programming practice tasks (e.g. for GCSE students) | Programming |
Programming tasks for beginners | Programming |
Programming - Top Ten Techniques | Blog |
Programs - how are they stored inside the computer? | Representation |
Psychology of learning | Teachers |
Publisher | MS Office |
Puzzle | JavaScript |
Python programming examples | Programming |
Python programming guide for GCSE | - |
Q |
Page | Section |
Queries, database | Databases |
R |
Page | Section |
Radio buttons in Excel | MS Office |
Random numbers in Excel | MS Office |
Random numbers in programming | Mathematics |
Range of binary values | Mathematics |
Range validation | Databases |
Record, database | Databases |
Recording macros | MS Office |
Rectangle Numbers | Mathematics |
Recursion vs. iteration | Programming |
Describing colours using RGB | Representation |
Referential integrity | Databases |
Relational database | Databases |
Representation of images - why you need to know | Representation |
Representation of programs | Representation |
Representation of sound | Representation |
Resources Database (from other sites) | - |
Revision Game - Connecting Wall | Revision |
Revision links for GCSE | Revision |
Roman Numerals | Mathematics |
Room Bookings database | Databases |
Rotation / Circular Motion (programming example) | - |
Rounding in Excel | MS Office |
Run-Length Encoding (compression) | Representation |
S |
Page | Section |
Sample systems in Excel | MS Office |
Sampling sound - frequency and sample size | Representation |
Santas and Puddings (seasonal noughts and crosses) | Algorithms |
Scope of variables | Programming |
Scripting | JavaScript |
Searching algorithms | Algorithms |
Second normal form | Databases |
Section breaks in Word | MS Office |
Selection with Arrays | Blog |
Server-side scripting | JavaScript |
Seven-Segment Display (programming example) | - |
Shifting bits (in binary) | Mathematics |
Sieve of Eratosthenes | Mathematics |
Simon game (programming example) | - |
Slowness (In Praise of) | Blog |
Sorting algorithms | Algorithms |
Sound - representation | Representation |
Sorting game (The Sorting Balance) | Algorithms |
SQL Injection (activity) | Databases |
Square Numbers | Mathematics |
Standard Form | Mathematics |
Standard Paragraphs | VisualBASIC |
Static variables (see Scope) | Programming |
Stock control database | Databases |
Stopclock (CSS example - no coding) | HTML |
Storage of Text | Representation |
Storage Units (and conversion) | Revision |
Structure, database | Databases |
Subforms in Access | Databases |
Substitution ciphers | Representation |
Sudoku solver (programming example) | Algorithms |
T |
Page | Section |
Table, database | Databases |
Tables in Word | MS Office |
Tables of Contents in Word | MS Office |
Tags (inserting in HTML) | HTML |
Tags, common | HTML |
Teaching effectively | Teachers |
Technology and its impact | Teachers |
Text manipulation in Excel | MS Office |
Text - storage | Representation |
Third normal form | Databases |
Times Tables - array-based practice | Mathematics |
Top Ten Programming Techniques | Blog |
Top Trumps (client-side scripting example) | - |
Top Trumps - classic computers | - |
Traffic light (JavaScript programming example) | - |
Translucency | HTML |
Transparency | HTML |
Trigonometry - visualising sines and cosines | Mathematics |
Truth tables | Mathematics |
Type, database field | Databases |
Type, variable | Programming |
U |
Page | Section |
Unicode and ASCII codes | Representation |
Unique key (field) | Databases |
Unique validation | Databases |
Units of storage (and converting between) | Revision |
V |
Page | Section |
Validation, database | Databases |
Validation, Excel | MS Office |
Variables | Programming |
VBA in Excel | MS Office |
Vector graphics | Representation |
Video shop system in Access | Databases |
Visualising factors, squares and primes | Mathematics |
Visualising multiplication | Mathematics |
vlookup() in Excel | MS Office |
W |
Page | Section |
Web-page creation | HTML |
Web-pages and databases | JavaScript |
Where is 1000000 on the number line? | Mathematics |
Why are you teaching that? | Blog |
Words of Wisdom | JavaScript |
Word (Microsoft) | MS Office |
Word Ladders (recursion example) | Algorithms |
Worderama (normal version) - interactive word game | Revision |
Worderama (Computing version) - Word Mastermind meets Computer Science | Revision |
Wrapping around images in Word | MS Office |