Investigate different number bases
See how binary is used to store numbers in the computer
Watch what happens to the digits as we count up in binary
Learn about a useful practical application of binary numbers
How are fractions and decimals represented in binary?
See how large and small numbers are represented in binary
See how to add binary numbers
Practise converting to and from hexadecimal numbers
Demonstration of how NOT, AND, OR and EOR/XOR work
Investigate simple logic circuits
Combine binary and Boolean logic with bitwise logic
Learning about scaling and offets when working with random numbers
See how to calculate the range of values that can be stored in n bits
Test your conversion skills against the clock!
Investigate conversion between binary and hexadecimal
Read about why you should know about modular arithmetic
Non-interactive introduction to Boolean logical operators
Non-interactive decription of how to use bit-wise logical operators
Working in other number bases
How to use logic circuits to perform addition
Understand octal and see the similarities with other number bases
A visual interactive introduction to what sines and cosines are
Two techniques that you can use to draw a circle or create circular motion
A visual investigation of squares, factors and prime numbers
Array-based testing of times tables
Test your ability to estimate the size of angles with this simple test
A matrix calculator (for Level 2 Further Mathematics)